Table of Contents

CzechIdM - extras

CzechIdM - extras contains various features, which are not suited to be in any other module. List of the currently supported features is below.

Currently supported CzechIdM version : 11.0.x

Table of compatible versions

Extras version Min dependency versions Max dependency versions Note
2.5.0 idm-core-10.3.3 UNKNOWN
2.6.0 idm-core-10.4.4 UNKNOWN
2.6.1 idm-core-10.4.8 UNKNOWN This version is needed for Automatic roles on tree nodes - import data from CSV
2.7.0 idm-core-10.4.9 UNKNOWN

Developing and releasing

How to develop a new feature in extras:

  1. Create a specification page in private section and consult it with module owner and other colleagues. Specification page should contain:
  2. Usecases - why we or user need this feature, what problem does it solve?
  3. Why is it in extras and not in core, or other module?
  4. Functional specification - how should it work, edge cases
  5. Ask a module owner, if this feature can be a part of extras and in which version it will be published
  6. Create ticket in Redmine with final requirements and with correct target version
  7. Implement the feature in a separate GIT branch
  8. Create merge request to develop or LTS version
  9. Get someone from product team, or module owner to review your changes
  10. After successfull review, ask module owner to merge you code

Rules for code review:

If your code does not meet the requirements mentioned above, it may be rejected.

Automatic role definitions - Import all rules LRT

Since module version 1.9.0. Documentation is available here: Automatic role definitions - Import all rules

Assign roles to contract EAV - Import of data from CSV LRT

Documentation is available here: Assign roles to contract EAV - Import of data from CSV

Roles - Import of data from CSV LRT

Documentation is available here: Roles - Import of data from CSV

Automatic roles - adding role by node in structure

Documentation is available here: Automatic roles - adding role by node in structure

Create automatic roles by tree structure, based on user's roles LRT

Since module version 2.8.0 Documentation is available here: Create automatic roles by tree structure, based on user's roles

Status task

Documentation is available here: Status task - How to prepare the task Information about content is here: Notification content

SSO authenticate

Documentation is available here: sso_authentificate

Role force provisioning to particular system

The tutorial is available here: Provisioning - how to force provisioning for roles

Guarantees of roles can assign their roles to everybody

This feature enable that if you are guarantee at least for one role then you will see all users and you can assign/delete/edit roles for which you are guarantee. You can see all user's roles but you can't change the others for which you are not guarantee

For correct behavior you need to configure three new evaluators to userRole:

Other thing you need to do is to enable service ExtrasIdmConceptRoleRequestService. This service is by default turned off in extras module. Go to your project modul and create new service which will inherit from ExtrasIdmConceptRoleRequestService and add annotation Primary and Service.

Update IdmConceptRoleRequestDto is allowed everybody that will change only audited fields or systemState field (this is for update state of whole request after retry mechanism or approving virtual request).

Report Compare values in IdM with values in system

Report will compare value of attributes with connected system. Connected system does not need to be in read only. More information is available here: Report - Compare values in IdM to system (extras, before CzechIdM 12)

Notification about the end of identity's last contract

A notification about the end of identity's last contract will be sent to those who have a specified role assigned and optionally the manager of the user. A different notification can be sent before the contract ends and when it ends. More information is available here: Notification - the end of identity's last contract

Edit: full IdmIdentityDto was added for use in a template in 1.7.0

Edit: Support for technical identities added for use in version 1.9.0

Notification about the start of identity's contract

Since version 3.2.3

A notification about start of identity's contract will be send to specific persons. You can also set the topic which will be used for notification. More information is available here: Notification - the start of identity's contract

Notification about the change of identity's contract

Since version 3.4.1

A notification about a change of identity's contract will be sent to specific persons. You can also set the topic which will be used for notification. More information is available here: Notification - the change of identity's contract

Script split titles before and after

Almost every project receive all titles in one string and IdM allow separates titles before and after. For this case was created in *ExtrasUtils* two methods *getTitlesAfter* and *getTitlesBefore*. And transformation scripts *extrasGetTitlesBefore* and *extrasGetTitlesAfter*, transformation scripts calls method from utils.

Dictionary with titles can be setup by configuration properties. Default values exists in BE

idm.sec.extras.configuration.titlesAfter=Ph.D.,Th.D.,CSc.,DrSc.,dr. h. c.,DiS.,MBA,LL.M.,FESC,MHA,FEBO,FESO,FEBU,FACC
idm.sec.extras.configuration.titlesBefore=Bc.,BcA.,Ing.,Ing. arch.,MUDr.,MVDr.,MgA.,Mgr.,JUDr.,PhDr.,RNDr.,PharmDr.,ThLic.,ThDr.,prof.,doc.,PaedDr.,Dr.,PhMr.,MDDr.

in version 2.8.0 was added the option to select a separator for source string and for titles before and after values in IdM.

idm.sec.extras.configuration.titlesSourceSeparator - a character, that separates titles in the source. Default" "
idm.sec.extras.configuration.titlesBeforeSeparator - titles before separator for IdM. Default", "
idm.sec.extras.configuration.titlesAfterSeparator - titles before separator for IdM. Default", "

Import automatic roles on tree nodes

You can use this tool to create automatic roles which are assigned based on the position within the organization structure using a CSV file as a source. More information is available here: Automatic roles on tree nodes - import data from CSV

Groups synchronization workflow

Since module version 1.4.0 there exists improved workflow in the extras module for groups synchronization than in the core module. The workflow Extras Synchronization - Roles from LDAP (extrasSyncRoleLdap) has more features and some fixed bugs than the product workflow syncRoleLdap. The workflow in the product is not developed anymore, because we plan to add more user-friendly configuration of the feature in future versions of the product.

Documentation for configuration is available in Group synchronization workflow - Application properties.

Note: the workflow extrasSyncRoleLdap depends on some services implemented in the extras module, so to use this workflow, you must deploy the whole module to CzechIdM.

Workflow to disable contract on MISSING_ACCOUNT

Setting this workflow (extrasDisableMissingContract) as workflow for action in contract reconciliation will disable contract, when its being synchronized. It can be used for example, in situations when contracts are being deleted from source data after expiration and they keep being stuck in MISSING_ACCOUNT state.

Note: When using this workflow, please consider the possibility that the contracts may "reappear" in the source data. In such case, it would make sense to enable the contracts again, e.g. by mapping the attribute "state" and filling it by value null (= active contract).

Groups membership in multi domain (cross domain) AD environment

Since module version 1.8.0

Documentation is available Systems - AD: Manage groups membership in multi domain (cross domain) AD environment

Evaluator (permissions) for identities that has relationship on defined organization unit

Since module version 1.9.0. Available only on LTS version!

Documentation is available there

Evaluator (permissions) for roles that is inside defined role catalogue

Since module version 1.9.0. Available only on LTS version!

Documentation is available there.

Import code list and it's items

Since module version 1.9.0 and 2.4.0

Documentation is available there

Synchronize code list items from end system

Since module version 3.2.0

Documentation is available there

Evaluators (permissions) for Identities and Contracts which are both subordinate and have given projection

Since module version 2.4.0.

Documentation is available there.

Workflows for approval of role assignment

Since module version 2.3.0

Documentation is available there

Script for soft abbreviate strings (extrasAbbreviateString)

Since module version 3.2.0

Script called extrasAbbreviateString abbreviate given string by default with maximum length 255. Maximum length can be defined by adding parameter maximum. For example:

Result examples:

Copying assigned roles from the main contract to a contract valid in the future

This feature allows you to automatically copy roles from the existing main contract to a contract valid in the future. This serves to handle the issue with cases when contract validity is not extended but rather a new contract is created altogether.

Since module version 3.3.0

Documentation is available there

Deduplication for automatic roles by organization structure

The feature process deduplication existing automatic roles that are assigned onto organization units.

Since module version 3.4.0

Complete documentation is available there.

Check whether a value is unique in a system

This feature enables you to check that a certain value is unique in a system. This is typically useful for generators creating emails or usernames which need to be unique.

Since module version 3.5.0

Complete documentation is available here.

Notify user of account creation

This feature enables users to receive notifications about account creation on a particular system or systems.

Since module version 3.6.0

Complete documentation is available there.

Create automatic role for organization group

This feature creates automatic organization role for group.

Since module version 3.7.0

Complete documentation is available there.

Notification about roles without guarantees

This feature sends notification about roles with expiring/expired/missing role guarantees.

Since module version 3.8.0

Complete documentation is available there.

Resize profile photo to defined size

This feature allows you to resize user profile photos to a defined size.

Since module version 3.9.0

Complete documentation is available there.

Evaluator (permissions) for users with given form projection who do not have contract in denied organization

Since module version 4.3.0.

Documentation is available there.

Recalculate identities with roles

Since module version 4.5.0.

Documentation is available there.

Send custom notification to identities

Since module version 4.5.0.

Documentation is available there.

Notify about identity changes caused by synchronization

Since module version 3.11.0 .

Documentation is available there.

Approval of externs created from Hub

Since module version 4.5.1.

Documentation is available there.

Since module version 2.13.0, 3.12.0, 4.6.0.

Documentation is available there.

Virtual system import LRT

Documentation is available here: Systems - Import of data from CSV

Automatic role definitions - Import of data from CSV LRT

Documentation is available here: Automatic role definitions - Import of data from CSV

Identity temporary forced activation

Since module version 5.4.0.

Documentation is available here: Identity temporary forced activation (since 5.4.0)