Notification about roles without guarantees

This feature was added in extras 3.8.0.

Notification is implemented as long running task. You must go to Settings → Task scheduler → Scheduled tasks and in the agenda just plan new long running task with name

extras-expired-guarantee-notification-task-executor (ExtrasExpiredGuaranteeNotificationTaskExecutor).

The long running task has these configurations:

  • recipientsIdentities - selected identities will receive notification
  • recipientsRoles - all users with roles will receive notification
  • recipientsEmails - email addresses will receive notification
  • checkExpiring - whether check guarantees which will expire in X days
  • checkExpired - whether check guaranties which are already expired
  • checkEmptyGuarantee - whether che ck for missing guarantees
  • daysBeforeExpire - number of days before expiration
  • onlyRoles - only selected roles are checked
  • excludeRoles - selected roles are skipped
  • onlyCatalogues - roles are checked only in this catalogues
  • excludeCatalogues - roles in this catalogues are skipped
  • onlyRolePriorities - only roles with selected priorities are checked (delimiter is "," example: "2,3,4")
  • excludeRolePriorities - roles with selected priorities are skipped
  • onlyCanBeRequested - only roles with can be requested are checked
  • onlyCannotBeRequested - only roles without can be requested are checked
  • onlyGuaranteeType - only selected guarantee type is checked (example: first-approver)
  • by cabelkal