# Concept for role request REST endpoint This endpoint allows you to create and manage role concepts in your request to change permissions. Request for change permissions is created using endpoint /role-requests. A change of permission request may include N changes, some assign new roles, some modify existing ones, or remove them. Each of these changes is defined as a role concept managed in this endpoint.

The basic procedure for change identity permissions is therefore:

  1. Create a request to change the permissions.
  2. Create role concepts (this endpoint).
  3. Run the request as a whole.
  • REST endpoint /api/v1/concept-role-requests

# Supports

  • Basic CRUD operations (Creating, Reading, Updating, Deleting) and searching.
If you want to use the REST API, you must be logged in. The easiest way is to use Basic authentication directly in request "- u admin: admin".

# API TODO: Swagger

# Examples ## Create concept role in request We will created new role concept for created role request.

In example request you have to fill correct:

  • Id of created roleRequest.
  • Id of required role.
  • Id of identityContract on jonh doe. You can use ID of contract get from identity REST endpoint /work-position

### Request: ``` curl -i -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/concept-role-requests/ -d '{"roleRequest":"[FILL ID OF ROLE REQUEST]","identityContract":"[FILL ID OF IDENTITY CONTRACT]","role":"[FILL ID OF ROLE]","identityRole":null,"roleTreeNode":null, "validFrom":null, "validTill":"2018-12-31", "operation":"ADD"}'


### Response:

  "id" : "9ea10cbb-b27b-44a0-852a-4c045960ecd1",
  "created" : "2017-06-14T11:40:27.074Z",
  "modified" : null,
  "creator" : "admin",
  "creatorId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d",
  "modifier" : null,
  "modifierId" : null,
  "originalCreator" : "admin",
  "originalCreatorId" : "d0c47adb-4cbd-4551-bb20-87567ff7892d",
  "originalModifier" : null,
  "originalModifierId" : null,
  "roleRequest" : "d2f3a456-8803-46b0-808f-9be84d84d94f",
  "identityContract" : "b34e015f-0a27-45f2-b333-c01478d22f37",
  "role" : "2e8d493a-8368-4417-af88-08ad682a2ca1",
  "identityRole" : null,
  "roleTreeNode" : null,
  "validFrom" : null,
  "validTill" : "2018-12-31",
  "operation" : "ADD",
  "state" : "CONCEPT",
  "wfProcessId" : null,
  "log" : null,
  "_trimmed" : false,
  "_embedded" : {[!SHORTENED_FOR_CLEARITY!]}
  "_links" : {
    "self" : {
      "href" : "http://localhost:8080/idm-backend/api/v1/concept-role-requests/9ea10cbb-b27b-44a0-852a-4c045960ecd1"
  • (external edit)