CzechIdM administration tutorials:
Accounts - create multiple personal accounts
Accounts - working with objects on connected systems
API - Requirements for a system to be connected
Assign roles to accounts - Import of data from CSV (since 5.5.0)
Assign roles to contract EAV - Import of data from CSV
Audit - Reading audit information
Audit - Workflow history
Automatic role definitions - Import all rules
Automatic role definitions - Import of data from CSV
Automatic roles - adding a role to the organization structure
Automatic roles - adding role by node in structure
Automatic roles - adding roles by attribute value
Automatic roles on tree nodes - import data from CSV
Basic operations
Bulk action for identities
Bulk action for roles
Bulk actions for accounts
CAS Rebranding
CentOS 8 installation for IdM
Compliance module [comp] - Create your first compliance campaign
Configuration - CzechIdM configuration in GUI and config files
Configuration of WinRM
Configure and use new identity projection
Connector: Uploading a new version of a connector (Workaround)
Contract - Creating/editing
Copying assigned roles
Create automatic roles by tree structure, based on user's roles
Create evaluator with restrictions on one entity
CSV Connector - how to synchronize identities
CzechIdM database maintenance
Driver for The Microsoft Active Directory Certificate Services
Extended attributes - managing EAVs and forms
How to set a PostgreSQL as a primary DB instead of H2
Identity - creating a new one
Installation of CzechIdM - Final steps
Installation of CzechIdM - Linux - CentOS8
Installation of CzechIdM - Windows
Installation script for CzechIdM
Module - Recertification
Modules - Certificates: - Scheduled tasks, notifications and automatic certificate renew, generating or revocation
Modules - Certificates: Approving certificate request
Modules - Certificates: Basics
Modules - Extras: Workflows for approval of role assignment
Modules - OpenAM: installation and configuration
M cont.
Modules - pwd-reset: How to reset forgotten password?
Modules - reg: How to register to CzechIdM?
Modules - SCIM: module installation
Modules - sms: Configurations
Modules - vs: VS account lifecycle and module configuration
MsSQL: Run CzechIdM with MsSQL database
Notification - expired managers, missing managers, soon expiring managers
Notification - set a notification when an extended attribute changes
Notification - the change of identity's contract
Notification - the end of identity's last contract
Notification - the start of identity's contract
Notifications - Configure standard notifications
Notifications - Creating and configuring topics
Password provisioning
Passwords - policies and their configuration
Permission - How to allow users editing of some EAVs
Permissions setting for a role
Personalize localization
Provisioning - how to force provisioning for roles
Provisioning - role and queue configuration
Provisioning brake - create and configure
Report - Compare values in IdM to system (CzechIdM 12 or higher)
Report - Compare values in IdM to system (extras, before CzechIdM 12)
Report - Extended attribute report for Identity
Reports module [rpt] - Creating a new report (identities and roles)
Role - Creating/editing
Role assignment - approval process configuration
Role assignment - changing roles of users manually
Role assignment - configuring notifications
Role assignment - restrict assignable roles by role catalogues (for IdM 13.3.1+ and 14.2.2+)
Role catalog - folder management
Roles - Import of data from CSV
Scheduled task for automatic role(s) recalculation
Server preparation - Backup and Recovery
Server preparation - Linux - CentOS8
Server preparation - Server monitoring
Server preparation - Windows
Server updates - Apache Tomcat updates
Server updates - OS updates
: A temporary block after X unsuccessful login attempts
SSO - configuring tips for Windows
SSO to AD domain
Status task - How to prepare the task
Structure - Set notification when new tree node is created
S cont.
Synchronization - generic system synchronization configuration
Systems - AD: Create LDIF backup
Systems - AD: Groups synchronization
Systems - AD: Manage groups membership in multi domain (cross domain) AD environment
Systems - AD: Manage Organizational structure
Systems - AD: Manage users
Systems - AD: Manage users - Wizard
Systems - AD: Remove group membership when the contract is excluded
Systems - CSV file: users contracts synchronization
Systems - CSV file: users contracts synchronization via wizard
Systems - CSV: Source of identities
Systems - CSV: Source of identities via wizard
Systems - DB: Roles provisioning
Systems - DB: Source of identities
Systems - DB: TreeNodes (org. structure) provisioning
Systems - DB: TreeNodes (org. structure) synchronization
Systems - DB: Users' contracts synchronization
Systems - Exchange: accounts management
Systems - Export of accounts to CSV file
Systems - Home Directory
Systems - How to connect generic system
Systems - identifier chaos/mismatch/uppercase
Systems - Import of data from CSV
Systems - LDAP: Manage users
Systems - Ldap: Roles provisioning
Systems - MS AD and MS Exchange: Management of Distribution Groups
Systems - office 365: Manage user licenses
Systems - Salesforce: Manage users
Systems - Simple: rest api connector
Systems - SSH: Manage users
Systems - VEMA: Synchronization
Task Scheduler - create and configure a trigger
Task Scheduler - planning a task and configuration
Technical account - synchronization
Technical accounts - Create a new technical account
The CAW driver
Transformation scripts - how to write a script
Transformation scripts - library and usage
Tree structures - Working with a structure and its nodes
Upgrading PostgreSQL 9.2 to 9.6
User tasks - tasks list and resolving a task
Virtual system - adding (and deleting) extended attributes managed by CzechIdM
Virtual system - creating and using roles
Virtual system - New virtual system in 5 minutes
Developers tutorials:
Add localization test to a module
Add support for a new entity in general report
Application architecture
Authentication - create a new authentication method
Authorization - Create a new evaluator
Build CzechIdM Backend
Build CzechIdM Frontend
Button - Implementing responsive filter button
Class - Add a new attribute into a class
Connector - Implementation of a new ConnID connector
Creating a development environment
Customize password change form
DTO - find it by its identifier
Dynamic form - creating a new attribute renderer
D cont.
Dynamic form - localization
EAV - create a new form attribute
Entity - create a new CzechIdM entity and its management
Groovy Scripts Tips & Tricks
How to override a spring service
Module - creating a CzechIdM module
Module - creating a new dashboard button
Module - creating a new icon
Module - Overriding a filter in a custom module
Module - Preparing a new CzechIdM module
Module - Result codes
Module - Test configurations
Prepare CzechIdM build on projects - with custom module
P cont.
Processor - implement a new processor
Quick start with devstack
Release a hotfix
Release CzechIdM
Reports module - Creating a report
Run multiple CzechIdM instances using IntelliJ Idea and Gulp as a developer
Scheduled task with parameters
SCIM module - Creating a user with group assigned
SCIM module - save extended form value
Systems - Database: creating a test DB system and connection to CzechIdM via REST
Systems - Groups synchronization workflow
Table in GUI - create a new
Test: Test scenarios